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The Backrooms book on Amazon

Paperback by Michael Schuerman

“I’m dead. It never occurred to me that I might die in here, in the backrooms of an office building, how messed up is that? The voice keeps growing louder and louder, acting as a weight, pulling my sanity down to a deep dark place.”

Actual Backrooms wallpaper pattern used in original photo

High-resolution, repeat pattern.
2048 pixels by 2048 pixels
4.4 Mb.

Backrooms Fandom wiki

The original Backrooms wiki with the most content, but deviates from the original Backrooms lore/cannon because it can be edited by anyone. The Fandom Wiki is considered to be less moderated and more messy than Wikidot.

Backrooms Wikidot

The Wikidot Backrooms wiki has less content, but considered to be a more accurate/official wiki when it comes to the Backrooms cannon.

Liminal Archives

The primary global database of strange and uncanny locations that blur the line between real and unreal. Venture into the unknown, risking death or worse to study liminality, and observe how liminal spaces operate.

The Backrooms on Wikipedia

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Backrooms is an urban legend and creepypasta describing an endless maze of randomly generated office rooms and other environments, the smell of wet carpet, walls with a monochromatic yellow, and buzzing fluorescent lights.

How to ‘No-Clip’ Reality and Arrive in the Backrooms

Wired article, 11 May 2022

Video game culture meets creepypasta posts and leaves you trapped within a liminal hellscape. You really ought to keep searching for an escape back to reality. Finding the way home is almost impossible, and the shadows keep inching closer.